This started out as a “what Christmas means to me” piece. It was bringing even my mood down, and I was the one writing it. Seriously…depressing AF! So, I decided to skip the jaunt down memory lane and just share some of my Christmas themed artwork from years past in a Happy Holidays type post.
This first one is inspired by “Twas the Night Before Christmas”. It is a very modern, American take on Christmas. I was thinking of this part of the poem when I made it.
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
Twas the Night Before Christmas by Clement Clarke Moore
And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk,
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose;

Unwrapping Christmas
This next one is a bit steamier. I remember thinking of what a perfectly romantic Christmas day would look like, and this image took shape. That poor tree looks like it is one step away from being taken from that Charlie Brown Christmas story, but they don’t seem to mind.

I Summon Thee
This last set of images was actually the first time I’d done holiday images. Like most of my artwork, it all started from a whim. Unlike most of my pieces that convey one thought or emotion before I’m off to the next idea, Oliver and Sebastian stuck around from Halloween to Christmas back in 2014.
Our story starts with a lonely guy, who decides he’s tired of all of the negatives that come with modern dating. He still wants a boyfriend though, so he decides to summon a demon. That’s where Sebastian comes into the picture…pun definitely intended.

Fast forwarding from October to December, we find out Sebastian stuck around. Not only that, he can pass for human when he tries. Granted he’s not trying very hard in this scene. Can you blame him though? Who hasn’t gotten frustrated while trying to untangle Christmas lights. You can take the demon out of Hell, but you can’t take the hellfire out of the demon. 😈

Later that evening, we find a much more relaxed couple as Oliver leans over to ask, “Have you been naughty or nice?” Rather than answering with something like, “I’m a demon. Duh!” because answers like that don’t lead to orgasms, Sebastian rationalizes that he can honestly say he’s been “nice” for the past few months with Oliver. The episode with the lights doesn’t count.

In our last scene, we find Sebastian finding that he wants to stay with this human. He also likes making him happy. Up until now, making anyone other than himself happy was a foreign concept. Since Oliver likes Christmas so much, Sebastian decides to use a bit of magic to make their first holiday together memorable.

My wish for you
There you have it folks. Thanks for spending some time on my site. I hope each and every one of you has a wonderful holiday season filled with wonderful memories and just a bit of magic. Happy Holidays!
If you’d like to see more of my work, check out my DeviantArt page or my Instagram.