Today, I'm giving you my 18 favorite anime series. Need a new recommendation? Just enjoy comparing your list to others? Come see what's here.
Bad Week In America
This past week was a bad week for the United States. Granted there haven't been many great weeks in the past several years, but the decision of 6 people to deal human rights a devastating blow on June 24th made it a very bad week indeed. Growing up, I always thought of the Supreme Court... Continue Reading →
Dream Journal June 11, 2022
Disclaimers: I’m creating a new category to be used as a dream journal. Based on historical evidence, it won’t get updated often because I don't remember my dreams very often. I thought it would be nice to share the ones I do have as a nice diversion. Viewer discretion is advised. Proceed with caution. Not... Continue Reading →
The world is pretty messed up right now. Hope I didn’t shock anyone by just stating the obvious like that, but it is true. People using guns as the solution for their feelings is weighing heavily on my mind. Are you having a bad day? Maybe you’re depressed and want everything to end. Did someone... Continue Reading →
Should I Come Out?
Does this sound familiar? You’re LGBTQ+. You’ve struggled internally with your feelings and have come to terms with it. I guess you could say you’ve “come out” to yourself. Next up? Coming out to other people. (dun dun dun…queue ominous music) Should you come out though? If a boy and girl meet, fall in love, and want... Continue Reading →
Kind versus nice
As a child, I remember being told, “Be nice.”, or “Y’all play nice.” Since we’re being honest, there have been many times those phrases have been hurled my way as an adult too. “Why?”, you might ask. That’s simple. I’m not the nicest person you’ll ever meet, nor do strive to be. I get “sweet”... Continue Reading →
Curious, Kind, and Strong
In 2020, a friend asked me create artwork for the nursery of her first grandchild. To say I was excited would be putting it mildly. This was a big deal. When I was small, there was a picture that someone had made for my nursery. I remember looking up at it. Still have it tucked... Continue Reading →
Growing up gay in the South
Early years I grew up in the United States in the state of Alabama…still live there now as a matter of fact. Both of my parents are still married to each other. I only have one sister, but we have more cousins than you can count. We lived in a tiny little town that to... Continue Reading →
Thank you, Heartstopper
Not to be over the top, but I owe Heartstopper a huge thank you. Alice Oseman, Kit Connor, Joe Locke, Yasmin Finney, William Gao, Corinna Brown, Kizzy Edgell and the rest of the cast and crew are directly responsible for this amazing feeling that has come over me. The fact that it was unexpected makes... Continue Reading →
Hello world!
Wow! I guess we're doing this. Exciting stuff, huh? Thanks for stopping by. I'm not a professional blogger. All of this is new to me. This new website design, learning WordPress, writing for more than just myself, learning to be an active member of society again...all of it. Mistakes will happen. I'll get better at... Continue Reading →