That image is the symbol for the Rat in the Chinese zodiac. Just like domino6713, it has personal meaning to me. When my first long term boyfriend left me in my early 20's, I was pretty wrecked. A friend came over to cheer me up. He ended up dragging me out of the house so... Continue Reading →
Does the image of the moon on your website have any significance?
If you mean does it have any significance other than I think it is pretty, the answer is no. That image is actually cropped down from a larger art piece I made on my computer using an application called Vue.
You talked about the stress in your family when you came out. How are things now?
It took a long time, but tensions have died down a bit. It is still a awkward. There are things we do not talk about. My parent's home is comfy because I grew up there, but it is also odd because I don't feel like I can be myself. Things aren't all bad though. When... Continue Reading →
How did Domino become your nickname?
There is a mutant in the Marvel universe called Domino. She has the ability to control probabilities. Sometimes people say she can control luck. Domino was a character in Deadpool 2 for those of you unfamiliar with the comics. Jen, a girl in our friend group back in college, was a huge Marvel comics fan.... Continue Reading →
Are you related to Reba?
No, but I used to go round telling people I was when I was very young. Then, I learned to spell and realized my name is McIntyre with an "I" and a "y" while her's is McEntire with an "E" and an "i". It would be very cool if it were true. I've always been... Continue Reading →
What is your name?
My name is Daniel McIntyre.